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Top 10 careers after graduation from BSC CSIT

One of the big question for the student who want to study BSC CSIT or persuading this course is what will be my career after graduation. First i want to say, There isn’t limitation for anyone. If you are passionate on what you are doing, every job is best.

This is top 10 list, we make with the example of people right now doing. But this is not any ranking. Every job are equally valuable.

1. Entrepreneur

You can make your own company, and give job to other people. Isn’t it interesting?

2. Web Developer

You can make the website and webapplication. This is the one of the areas where maximum people working.

3. Mobile Developer

Mobile penetration is increasing every year and so the application that run on mobile platform like android, ios and Microsoft is also growing. You can make such application.

4. UI/UX Developer

You can make the beautiful interface and experience for website and mobile app.

5. Quality Assurance

You can help developers to preventing mistakes or defect on application.

6. SEO and Social Media Marketing

You help to bring customer to the business using digital technology, and help to make money. Isn’t this sounds good?

7. System Administrator

You will make sure all system are up to date and running smoothly,

 8. Community and Social Activist

You work for bring positive impact on people life, society, nation and world

9. Lecturer

You know to teach the more than you learn, so you can help to make better outcome.

10. System Analysis and Design

You know what problems are and how to fix them in a productive manner.

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