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Before talking about the course BSc CSIT (Bachelor of Science in computer science and Information Technology) let’s first know little more about the course itself. CSIT is not only a IT(information Technology) or CS(Computer Science), it Focuses on principles,technology & Algorithms , not  how to use computer applications in CS. Not Like computer Engineering which particularly focuses on computing in all forms, from microprocessors to embedded computing devices to laptop and desktop systems to supercomputers. The Combination of the courses to be studied throughout your four years of study makes you a perfect product to be sold on a market and a perfect bud to grow larger and larger on each fields with greater knowledge over greatest market demand, to fulfill and fit at every area and field.If you are choosing any subject or faculty for with what you see a great career that may a wrong decision you have made Choosing a career path after successfully completing a step in life is always been a great decision to be taken. It is hard and must take few more time and research on the field that we are going to enter, it would be bad if we choose a field and your choice may go wrong after completing, you may suffer jobless after completion of course. So, as my suggestion do some research and spent some time thinking about your next step and next course that you are going to join.

Joining and completing bsc csit does not mean that you will be awarded with a high salary job, world wide reputation, research grants,  and funding for that you need to do more , explore more and research more. With the best IT course and highly reputed degree you have a great chance to rock your career in future you have chance to be superhero for that you just need a hard work, dedication, passion and vision that what you will be. Now you  on a transition phase where you are taking a big jump at your career one decision can really make a difference at your career goal,  Although there are other programs available, the major reasons for the popularity of this program are its well-designed and contextual course with wide range of areas for the job where the graduates of this program can apply.

Let me talk on the field, job and area where you can see yourself once you complete CSIT,in your word scope of CSIT, Simplify Jobs after CSIT, make it complex what Can you do after CSIT. IF you Ask me what can i do after I pass CSIT?

My answer anything you want. But let me summarize.

  • System Analyst ,
  • System Administrator,
  • System Manager,
  • Software Programmer,
  • Database Designer,
  • Database Administrator,
  • Network Administrator,
  • Graphics Designer,
  • programmer,
  • Web Developer,
  • Web Designer,
  • IT Officer
  • Entrepreneur
  • ICT Activist
  • Master Degree
  • and much more

Sky has no limits and you too.
These are the just few example what you can do with but you will find a ball at your each step with which you can score goal and celebrate in your career. There will be no any limit for you to explore, develop, and make a great career but for that joining and completing CSIT will not be enough remember my word you need dedication, passion, hard work, and clear vision and what will you do .

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