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How to find deleted file in git repo history log?

Onetime i was need to check which files i deleted before, When i was working on my laravel application. I was try to find how to show deleted files log from git command. But at last found git command from google search. we can view all deleted file log from our git repository. So, let's fire bellow command.


git log --diff-filter=D --summary

How to set git config username and email?

When you first time create your git repo or clone project from git repo then you must have to set username and email. You can also set global username email and also you can set per repository username email. So, in this post in bellow command through you can set global git username and email.

Global Set:

git config --global user.name "Haresh Patel"
git config --global user.email "itsolutionstuff@gmail.com"
git config --list

You can also set username and email per project repo using bellow command. First you have to go on your project root directory.

Per Repo Set:

git config user.name "Haresh Patel"
git config user.email "itsolutionstuff@gmail.com"
git config --list

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