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How to git force pull from remote branch ?

When i was working on my Laravel application using git bitbucket repository, i fatch problem when first i did commit on my master branch and i think i did 3 or 4 commits, and my project partner pull also in his local system ,but we did wrong code in this commit so we required to remove that 3 or 4 commit from my bitbucket repository. he did remove that commits from his system but when i did pull but nothing to change, i also remove cache but same.

But At last i though i thing i have to hard pull that's why i fired following command. if you also fatch problem like this then let's see this command:


git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

Git remove last commit from local

Git is distributed version control system that is a awesome. when ever you are working with git repository. if you did commit your code in your local system by mistake, then if you want to remove last commit from your project. so let's see following example:


git add .
git commit -m "change for test"
git reset --soft HEAD~

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