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Laravel 5 - create quick backend admin panel tutorial

Today, I am going to share with you How to create admin panel in Laravel 5 Application. In this tutorial we will create quick simple back-end admin panel using voyager package.

We always require to create admin area for every website. Admin Panel keep dynamic our website. Admin Panel through admin user can handle website dynamically like change title, meta-data, posts and etc other modules. So If you are working on Laravel framework and you require to create quick admin panel then you can do it using voyager package. voyager package through we can make quick back-end in our Laravel 5. This package also support Laravel 5.0, Laravel 5.1, Laravel 5.2 and also current Laravel 5.3.

Today we will implement voyager package in Laravel 5.3 version from scratch. voyager package provide us there are several functionality like as bellow:

1.Media Manager

2.Menu Builder

3.Database Manager

4.CRUD Builder

5.Setting Module

voyager package also provide several functionality, So In this tutorial we will implement admin panel only in six step, You have to just follow six step and you will find admin panel like as bellow screen shot, I also added more on bellow of tutorial:

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