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Why Every Digital Casino Needs A Mobile App?

Why Every Digital Casino Needs A Mobile App?

Why Every Digital Casino Needs A Mobile App?

Recent studies show that roughly 60% of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. This trend isn’t something new, but it was never as popular as it is today.

I mean, sure, the smartphones were widely spread all across the globe even a few years ago, but people were using them differently back in the day. They never had this many apps and only used the internet for an urgent Google search or two or social media.

Today, with the vast availability of 3G and 4G technologies, the tides are shifted. More often than not people use their phones INSTEAD of desktop computers or even laptops. People game online through their phones. 50% of people! That’s like the half of your audience!
That noted, casino software developers evenbetgaming as well as the creators of poker tournament software are racing against time today in order to deliver fitting mobile solutions.

Advantages of mobility

Here are the biggest advantages of the mobile-first approach in the digital gambling industry:
You’ll get your users where they are – on the train, in the bus, strolling down the lane or even in the office. Wherever there’s a phone, people use it to read news, check messages and, of course, enjoy some bits of mobile gaming. Why allow them to invest time into Angry Birds or Clash of Clans if they can spend the very same time having fun in your casino?

You have less to worry about: mobile designs are slick and clean. They don’t allow for a lot of features and buttons. You can simply ignore anything a desktop version may need in favor of sheer, uninterrupted gambling. People are happier, you earn more money – everybody wins!
Connectivity is no longer an issue: people are not stuck to cables or even Wi-Fi anymore as they have access to 3G, 4G and even 5G technologies today – these speeds rival the ones of desktop connections, cost less and allow for players to gamble 24/7/365

Our research states that sites who chose to invest into mobile apps are earning up to 67% more from bets and spins. That noted, the sites who have invested less but have a decently designed mobile version of the site are earning 45% more. The difference is not as huge and only is there because not all games are fully operational on a smaller screen of a mobile device. You cant help here, but you can invest less while still staying ahead of time with a mobile-first approach! You are welcome!

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