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Limitless Feelings for Sky !!

A question is constantly hitting my mind. It is one simple question my friend asked me, "What do you feel when you see the sky?" I thought it was a simple question. How hard will it be to answer that. But, when I got into it, it was tougher than I thought. I couldn’t answer in more than two words ‘peace’ and ‘calm’. Its true, looking up to clear blue sky makes me feel calm and in peace. But it does not include cloudy or rainy or stormy sky, does it now?

So I tried to figure out my feelings when I look up to the sky in different situations. When I look up and see beautiful clear sky, I feel like all my tensions and stress are being melted away and wrapped up all warm and fuzzy. Sometimes sky is filled with scattered clouds here and there. They are the times I stare at the clouds moving and separating from one another with the gust of winds, thinking of my friends separated by and by with the power of time. Each one having different destinations to reach and purpose to fulfill,  drifting away from each other, makes anyone a bit nostalgic, don’t you think? And there are times those clouds join others to form a bigger chunks and seeing them makes me hopeful of meeting friends, new or old someday. Being hopeful feels great and tiring at the same time for me.

When sky is full of black clouds accompanied by lightning and thunder, all the sounds and flashing makes the spectacular sight. The view amplifies when its night time and you are in your comfy chair and with some hot drinks. It makes me appraise the power of Mother Nature. This brings actual hope for farmers and relief for summer depressed people like me apart of little sadness and terror. Then comes a rainy sky making me feel alive and revived. When first drops of rain hit the ground and earthy smell fills the air, what can stop you feel rejoiced and alive, isn’t it?

And That’s that. List goes on and on and trying to figure out what I feel when I look up to the sky is starting to make me crazy, because every time I look up to the sky, its different every time. Always breathtaking, marvelous and equally mysterious…..


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