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Ubuntu Terminal Commands

The Useful Ubuntu Commands:
cd - Change Directory
date- Date
cal- Calender
Command For Files And Text
cp - Copy
 ls - List
 mkdir - Make Directory
 mv - Move
 rm - Remove
 grep - Search for Text Strings
 head - Display Start of File
 less - Display Part of File
 more - Display Part of File
 tail - View the End of a File

Command privileges
    sudo command - run command as root
    passwd – change your password
    sudo su – root shell open
    sudo su user – open shell as a user
    sudo -k – forget your password sudo
    gksudo command – sudo visual dialog (GNOME)
    sudo visudo – edit / etc / sudoers
    gksudo nautilus – root file manager (GNOME)
 Command For Users and Groups
 groupadd - Add a Group
 groupmod - Modify a Group
 chgrp - Change Group
 groupdel - Delete Group

Command For Network

  ifconfig - Configure Network Devices
   iwconfig – Displays Information From Wireless
   sudo iwlist scan – Scan Wireless Networks
   sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart – Reset the network
   (file) /etc/network/interfaces – Manual Configuration
   ifup interface – Bring Online Interface
   ifdown interface – Disable Interface 
   chkconfig - Check Activated Services
   ping - Test Network Connections
   ftp - File Transfer Protocol
   host - Check IP of Domain
   netstat - Display Routing Table
   route - Set Routes
   telnet - Connect to telnet
   traceroute - Display Route

Commands For Managing Drive and Formats` 
 mount - Mount a Drive
 umount - Unmount Drive
 fdisk - Format Disk
 dd - Dupliate Disk
 df - Disk Free Space

Commands For Firewall

    ufw enable – turn on the firewall
    ufw disable – turn off the firewall
    ufw default allow – allow all connections by default
    ufw default deny – drop all connections by default
    ufw status – current rules and
    ufw allow port – to allow traffic on port
    ufw deny port – port block
    ufw deny from ip – ip block

Command System
    lsb_release -a – get the version of Ubuntu
    uname -r – get kernel version
    uname -a – get all the information kernel

Commands For Package Manager
    apt-get update – refresh updates available
    apt-get upgrade – update all packages
    apt-get dist-upgrade – version update
    apt-get install pkg – installing pkg
    apt-get remove pkg – uninstall pkg
    apt-get autoremove – removing packages obsotletos
    apt-get -f install – try to fix packages
    dpkg –configure -a – try to fix a broken package
    dpkg -i pkg.deb – install file pkg.deb

Applications Commands
    nautilus – File Manager (GNOME)
    gedit – text editor (GNOME)
To install Application in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install [program name]
For example: sudo apt-get install vlc to install vlc player.

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