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Future Jobs in the World !!

A very famous economist and a political scientist Joseph Schumpeter had once coined a seemingly paradoxical term “Creative Destruction”. He explained that any technology that brings a breakthrough can never enjoy same prominence all throughout. It follows a life cycle from eruption to maturity.
For example, 90% of Americans were farmers in 1790, while 1.7% of Americans were farmers in 2011. Over those 200 years farm jobs were destroyed by exponential agricultural productivity gains during industrial revolutions and thus got replaced by jobs in new industries. Such a change is inevitable and the next industrial revolution would again bring new employment avenues with advanced technological improvements. 

The nature of the Future Jobs

Jobs that were common yesterday find no takers today. In this radical environment, we can surely predict that the jobs in future is going to be very different. It would be a time when machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced manufacturing, cloud computing, genetics, and nanotechnology would solve human needs. 

In fact, some of the noticeable changes that we see today would lead to spawning of new positions in future. Few of the jobs of future can well be:

1.Modern Farmers: The supply chain has been a serious issue for food retail outlets. Also, there has been a declining employment rate in the primary sector. So, with new technology people can produce underground the grocery store and directly sell to customers.

2. Augmented Reality Designers: The architects who would display real estate, home décor etc. through augmented reality technology while saving customers’ time and effort.

3. Bitcoins Bankers: With crypto currency market rising, we can expect bankers who would suggest investments through bitcoins.

4. Talent Pool Managers: With more and more work going to crowdsourcing, there have to be executives who can connect talented pools of people with organization for short term projects.

5. 3-D Printing Engineers: Competent people who would design and engineer printer produced products.

6. Drone Postmen: E-Commerce items would be dispatched through drones operated by skilled employees.

7. Body Part Makers and Specialists: Technology will allow replant of organs for defective body parts by specialists.

8. Nano-equipment Designers: Creators of very small sized items who would help reduce the size of electronics and weapons.

9. Robots Officer: With organizations switching to robots for the manual process, there would be need for officers who would monitor their proper functioning.

Featured in: Economy, India, India Tech And Startups

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