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4 Years BBS-TU and B.Sc-TU 4th year 2073 Exam Schedule -

Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu today publishes the examination schdule for 4 years Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Examination regular according to the yearly examination calendar for 2073.

The examination will be held from 7 am to 10 am.

The examination of BBS 4th year will start from Chaitra 12 and will end on Baishakh 5, 2074. Similarly the examination of B.Sc 4th year will start from Chaitra 20 and will end on Baishakh 5, 2074

Note: If you have failed to submit exam application form, you can submit the form in your respective campuses within Chaitra 2, 2073 paying double fee and such campuses have to submit the collected examination form to examination controller office within Chaitra 3, 2073. Private students can submit their examination form directly to examination controller office on Chaitra 1 and 2, paying double fee.

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