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7 'facts' you learned in school that are no longer true !!

Over time, even facts we consider steadfast truths can change. People used to think doctors could forgo washing their hands before surgery. Knowledge is ever-evolving.

The seven ideas below probably changed since your school days. Re-educate yourself.

THEN: Pluto is a planet
NOW: Pluto isn't a planet

THEN: Diamond is the hardest substance
NOW: Ultrahard nanotwinned cubic boron nitride is the hardest substance

THEN: Witches in Salem were burned at the stake
NOW: They were actually hanged

THEN: Israelite slaves built the pyramids
NOW: Egyptians workers built the pyramids themselves

THEN: Folding a piece of paper more than seven times is mathematically impossible.
NOW: The record stands at 13.

THEN: The Great Wall Of China is the only man-made structure visible from space.
NOW: Many man-made places are visible from space.

THEN: Five (or three) kingdoms of classification exist.
NOW: There might be as many as eight kingdoms.

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